coferONE Bintang Tamu di ATV Malang, 08 Maret 2013

Bintang tamu oleh Wita dan Dadang admin dari coferONE Malang.

coferONE Bintang Tamu di acara Super-J, JTV Surabaya, 05 April 2013

Bintang tamu oleh Dimas, Senjahari Maria dan Nitty beserta rekan lainnya dari coferONE Surabaya.

ON AIR Radio Edutop Fm, Semarang

on air di radio edutop fm semarang bersama Founder, admin dan member coferone

Pameran Fotografi USM FIESTA 2012

coferone mengikuti pameran di sebuah acara USM FIESTA 2012 di univ. Semarang 15-17 November 2012

Stand coferONE pameran fotografi USM FIESTA 2012

beragam hasil karya fotografi kamera ponsel member coferone

coferONE terbit di majalah cetak Mobile Guide edisi 66, oktober 2012

terima kasih atas apresiasi rekan-rekan coferone serta pihak redaksi Mobile Guide

Hunting Nightshoot di Bundaran HI, Jakarta, Indonesia

coferONE reg. Jakarta hunting nightshoot di bundaran HI. oleh beberapa rekan serta admin jakarta

Gathering dan Hunting ke #3 reg. Jakarta di Bogor

Gathering dan Hunting ke #3 reg. Jakarta di Bogor

Gathering dan Hunting coferONE pusat (Semarang) di Umbul Sidomukti, Semarang

Gathering dan Hunting coferONE pusat (Semarang) di Umbul Sidomukti, Semarang

Gathering regional Kediri, tulungagung dan sekitarnya di Pusharang, Kediri

Gathering regional Kediri, tulungagung dan sekitarnya di Pusharang, Kediri

Pameran Foto di Jalanan.lokasi: Taman Bungkul, Surabaya

Oleh Dimas, Senjahari Maria, Agung Kurniawan, Eldo dan rekan-rekan coferONE Surabaya, 17 Maret 2013 di Taman Bungkul, Surabaya

High Speed Photography with the HTC One


It is clear that smartphone camera quality is improving rapidly. With innovations like HTC’s Ultrapixel camera, we’ve been pushing the boundaries of what is possible with mobile photography further out. But you still need a talented photographer. Put technology like this in the hands of creative minds and the possibilities are nearly endless. One such creative mind is Alexandru Ivan.
He has been using his HTC to capture remarkable moments in time – such as the split-second when a water-filled balloon ruptures. He was kind to share the results and answer a few questions about his process:

First off, how did you get these shots?
I made these photos with my HTC One, a tripod, and a black panel for the background. My studio was an improvised area with a lot of sunlight. I filled the balloons with water and hung them in front of the black panel. The trickiest part was to pop the balloons and capture the photos at the right time. I had to do it all alone, because I could not find anyone to help me at that day!

Anyway, I increased the contrast (in the camera app, go to “Settings”, then “Image adjustments”) and framed the balloon for shooting. I used continuous shooting mode and locked the focus and exposure (tap and hold on where you want it to lock to). I popped the balloon with a wire that had a needle attached to the end. After a lot of spilled water and a lot of shots I selected the best photos and did some post-processing in Photoshop, mostly editing the background since I did not had a proper black panel to cover the entire frame.

Where do you get your inspiration?
It’s quite hard to give a proper answer for that. Sometimes I just have a flash, “I’ve got to try this”, and sometimes I look at other people’s work they had created with fancy professional equipment and wonder if I also can do something similar with a mobile phone camera.


What are some interesting photography projects you’re working on now?
I also work on older pictures taken with previous HTC phones, either editing them using the phone software or with MX Camera (for symmetry effects). I’m also a graphic designer and enjoy post-processing and manipulating photos. Using HTC Zoe I like to make movies from my 4×4 expeditions.

What advantages do you have using a smartphone as compared to a standard camera?

I think the advantage is you may not need a lot of expensive equipment (timers, flashes, lights, etc.) to get great shots. All of these can be substituted with a mobile phone and a tripod. After a really quick set up you can create amazing photos, like these or my“ink series“.

Karya Fotografer Indonesia Dicuri, Menangi Lomba Samsung

Perbandingan foto asli karya Hengki Koentjoro (kanan) dan foto yang diikutkan dalam lomba Instagram Samsung, sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Hengki dalam akun Facebook miliknya

Internet membuat banyak hal menjadi mudah dilakukan, termasuk mencuri foto milik orang lain untuk diikutkan dalam lomba online. Inilah yang terjadi pada sebuah foto karya fotografer fine art Indonesia, Hengki Kuntjoro.

Foto karya Hengki yang menggambarkan seorang pengendara motor menembus kabut berhasil "memenangkan" lomba foto yang diselenggarakan oleh Samsung.

Sayangnya, seperti dilansir oleh The Wall Street Journal, bukan Hengki sendiri yang mendaftarkan foto tersebut, melainkan seorang pengguna Instagram bernama "Bogdhan". Itu dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan sang empunya foto.

Oleh Bogdhan, foto hitam putih milik Hengki tersebut dibalik secara horizontal lantas diberi filter sebelum dimasukkan sebagai peserta lomba Samsung yang bertajuk "Live in the Moment," di bawah kategori #MyCommute.

Lomba gelaran Samsung ini memang bisa diikuti dengan mendaftarkan foto via Facebook dan Instagram.

Foto tersebut lalu terpilih menjadi juara dan diganjar hadiah utama berupa kamera Samsung NX300 oleh pihak penyelenggara yang tak mengetahui perihal tindak pencurian di baliknya.

Dua bulan berlalu, barulah kejadian ini terungkap. Hengki yang diberi tahu oleh seorang teman bahwa fotonya telah dicuri lalu mengontak Samsung sebelum hadiah lomba sempat dikirim.

Samsung pun bereaksi dengan mendiskualifikasi entri foto yang bersangkutan, menarik kembali pengumuman pemenang, dan meminta maaf kepada Hengki.

Berita tentang kasus ini menyebar dengan cepat lewat media sosial dan mengundang banjir kritik terhadap pelaku pencurian yang lalu menutup akun Facebook serta Instagram miliknya setelah sempat melakukan beberapa aksi defensif.

Penyebaran media sosial yang begitu luas memang memperkecil kemungkinan pelaku tindak pencurian foto bisa berlalu tanpa ketahuan. Kendati demikian, Hengki tetap mengimbau para fotografer lain agar berhati-hati dengan karya mereka.

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